Collaboration for public action *

Artistic Workshop by Cheap for La Rivoluzione delle Seppie | 2022

Collective performance, in collaboration with Roberto Alfano Gynestra Collective | 2022

Manifest for the art program “Per fare un tavolo. Arte e territorio”, artists’ Bianco Valente invite. The project is collateral to the Italian Pavilion Resilient Communities, curated by Alessandro Melis, at the 17th International Architecture Exhibition of La Biennale di Venezia | 2021

Partecipatory art operarion, in collaboration with Il Delfino Onlus e Disintegrati | 2021

Turbo Day Tube Actions. Creative site inspections that bring out the relational flows that already exist among the various parts of the Mendicino community. We created two days full of exchanges, encounters, ethnicities, ages, skills and barters, building together different mischiographies of the common territory.