Ai Lavio Condominio

In June 2023, as La Rivoluzione delle Seppie, we participated in ArchWeek 2023 in Milan with the exhibition 'AI LAVIO CONDOMINIO'. Designed by Sara Ricciardi Studio in the courtyard of a housing estate in the centre of Milan, the exhibition aimed to narrate and host the processes of HappyLab. As La Rivoluzione delle Seppie, we involving the tenants of the apartment building through door-to-door actions and the opening of a temporary construction site for the realisation of the elements of the exhibition. In a four-day workshop, starting with a group of young residents, we reactivated the underused courtyard, proposing for two days a series of micro-events around the exhibition with the participation of the inhabitants. The aim, in fact, was to bring, with the application of the Glocal Tools of La Rivoluzione delle Seppie, the margins back to being the centre again. Ahmed (11yo), one of the participants in Happy Lab, told us that 'it is friends who make a home'; whether on the margins or in the centre of the world, it is always relationships that build spaces.